Sunday, 13 March 2011

SWW9 Monday: Earthquake, IP Ports, IP Stack, Onion Routing, Professor Teaches.

1. Earthquake and Earth's Rotation

As if to confirm my statement from Friday, the earth promptly moved slightly on its axis:

"The 8.9-magnitude earthquake shifted the Earth's rotation axis by about 25 centimetres, which could literally change time."

Quake shifted rotation of the Earth

What will happen with the reactors?

The web is playing a crucial role as in previous disasters:

People turn to the web in crises including current Japan quake and tsunami disaster 

Details on how plate tectonics work:

2. IP Stack &
Networking Ports

Understanding conceptually the way computers communicate is crucial to understanding how our global network was conctructed. Each layer of complexity has built on the next to allow what you experience today - an essentially seamless experience of multimedia web browsing tand the automation of complex technical tasks via the Internet, for example, video conferencing, mass online gaming, etc. All of this is made possible by the infinitely flexible architecture of the Intenet. It is important to remember that this, the most complex technical creation ever made by man, was designed to be redundant, inefficient and allow for unreliable communications.

What was science fiction as little as 80 years ago is ubitquituous and banal for us today. Start to learn how this network came about by reading through this article:

 Here is a list of all the Tcp and UDP port numbers, it's staggering:

This is a list of Internet socket port numbers used by protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite for the establishment of host-to-host communications.  Originally, these port numbers were used by the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), but are used also for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), and the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP). SCTP and DCCP services usually use a port number that matches the service of the corresponding TCP or UDP implementation if they exist.  The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.[1] However, many unofficial uses of both well-known and registered port numbers occur in practice.
But what at first seems bewildering is actually decypherable. Please choose one TCP or UDP port, research it and leave then leave a brief comment on what it does. Here is a list to choose from:

Port 21 –> TCP –> FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Port 22 –> TCP/UDP –> SSH (ssh,scp copy or sftp)
Port 23 –> TCP/UDP –> Telnet
Port 25 –> TCP/UDP –> SMTP (for sending outgoing emails)
Port 43 –> TCP –> WHOIS function
Port 53 –> TCP/UDP –> DNS Server (DNS lookup uses UDP and Zone transfers use TCP)
Port 70 –> TCP –> Gopher Protocol
Port 110 –> TCP –> POP3 (for receiving email)
Port 119 –> TCP –> NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
Port 143 –> TCP/UDP –> IMAP4 Protocol (for email service)
Port 194 –> TCP –> IRC
Port 389 –> TCP/UDP –> LDAP (light weight directory access)
Port 443 –> TCP –> Secure HTTP over SSL (https)
Port 465 –> TCP –> Secure SMTP (email) using SSL
Port 990 –> TCP/UDP –> Secure FTP using SSL
Port 993 –> TCP –> Secure IMAP protocol over SSL (for emails)
Port 1433 –> TCP/UDP –> Microsoft SQL server port
Port 2096 –> TCP –> Cpanel secure webmail over SSL
Port 2222 –> TCP –> DirectAdmin Server Control Panel
Port 3306 –> TCP/UDP –> MySQL Database Server
Port 8080 –> TCP –> HTTP port (alternative one for port 80)

Here are some of the ports used by trojans:

4. The Onion Router or TOR

TOR: The Onion Router 

Have a look at the wiki article:

Tor (anonymity network)



5. Professor Teaches HTML
We will do a brief quiz Wednesday on the Professor Teaches HTML Advanced More Advanced Techniques. Please work through the chapter. We will do the quiz once everyone is finished the chapter on Wednesday. Questions will be drawn solely from the content of Chapter on More Advanced Techniques.



Anonymous said...

thats a pretty violent tsunami

Anonymous said...

someone made a comment to me saying, "I think 2012, the movie, was the government trying to ease us into the end of the world." ...scary!

Anonymous said...

see, if this tsunami ravaged some other third world country/continent (Africa) it would be kinda like "eh, who cares." Because it happened in Japan, a first world country, people care. Im not being a jerk. I'm being realistic.

Anonymous said...

So Network news transfer prtocol is used for transporting news articles between news servers. Also, Japan just can't seem to get ahead i guess.

Anonymous said...

The tsunami in Japan is a mere pimple on the face of world disasters over the course of human history, I mean, 50% of europes population was killed by a plague that ravaged many major towns and cities, and that lasted for many many years before it finally subsided. :3

Anonymous said...

nahh, your being a jerk

Anonymous said...

I guess in the scheme of things, these earthquakes/tsunami in Japan could be considered relatively stronger than it's being made out to be. What I think happens is people forget about things like this so quickly, which is why it's made such a big deal. Going down to New Orleans a few years ago, and you could still see the effects of Katrina in 2005. All of this in Queensland, it's still going to be more than evident within the next coming years. Hell, to put into terms we know, we still see people with houses and cards damaged by the huge hail storm last March.

Anonymous said...

TCP ports use the Transmission Control Protocol. TCP is one of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks.

Anonymous said...

As for the Protocol thing, there wasn't much information on 70. Interesting how it was flagged as a virus though, simply because a virus or Trojan could use it in the past to communicate.

Anonymous said...

port 443used to connect to Mediation Server.

At this rate the world really will end in 2012!

gggmmm said...
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gggmmm said...

I think this article will fully complement you. Please continue

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