Tuesday, 15 March 2011

S2W8 Wednesday: Quake, Facebook Truth, Piracy, Password. Professor Teaches

1. The Quake & the Net

The net continues to play a decisive role in post-quake Japan. Many residents returned home on Friday to find their houses without gas, electricity and phone lines, however, the Internet was still working and people used it and portable radios to keep up to date with unfolding events:

Some of the repercussions of the quake will be felt globally such as in the stock markets or certain products which Japan specialises in, for example, memory chips:
2. IP Port Review

Understanding conceptually the way computers communicate is crucial to understanding how our global network was conctructed. Each layer of complexity has built on the next to allow what you experience today - an essentially seamless experience of multimedia web browsing tand the automation of complex technical tasks via the Internet, for example, video conferencing, mass online gaming, etc. All of this is made possible by the infinitely flexible architecture of the Intenet. It is important to remember that this, the most complex technical creation ever made by man, was designed to be redundant, inefficient and allow for unreliable communications.

Review this article again briefly:

 Here is the list of all the TCP and UDP port numbers:
and here is the list of network protocols

Today I'd like us to review the TCP and UDP ports. I'd also like you to choose a network protocol and write a brief comment on what it does. One example is the port for DNS (Domain Naming Service) is port 53. It functions roughly as outlined below:

3. Professor Teaches HTML
We will do a brief quiz today on the Professor Teaches HTML Advanced More Advanced Techniques. Please work through the chapter. We will do the quiz once everyone is finished the chapter. Questions will be drawn solely from the content of Chapter on More Advanced Techniques.


4. Gaming


5. Life Lessons


Anonymous said...

not.cool. i own a ps3

Anonymous said...

The Mail Transfer Protocol(MTP) is an obsolete network protocol used to reliably transfer mail.

Anonymous said...

If you want a life in general, just take out the whole concept of gaming.

Anonymous said...

BitTorrent is the king. I love being able to preview games, movies, tv shows, etc without having to pay for them. And if i like them i can just buy the game, movie, etc.

Anonymous said...

the protocol 25 allows you to send emails over the internet

Anonymous said...

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is the one that sends error messages, or to relay query messages.
Never would have guessed there'd be a Protocol just for errors..

Anonymous said...

The Domain name system translates domain names meaningful to humans into numerical identifiers.

Anonymous said...

The DICT protocol allows the client to access more dictionaries during use.

Anonymous said...

MPP message:This protocol was designed for posting messages from workstations to a mail service host

Anonymous said...

CLNS-Connectionless Network Service- service that does not require a circuit to be established before data is transmitted. CLNS routes messages to their destinations independently of any other messages.

Anonymous said...

pc's are better, ps3's and xbox's are bad. Mr Betts uses 4chan, he is now considered an equal. Gamers have lives....on the internet. :3

Anonymous said...

who ever said PC is good, i agree but xbox is just bad. ps3 is alright