Thursday, 3 March 2011

S2W7 Friday: Quiz Review, iPad 2 launch, SWF Quicker


1. Quiz Review

Let's start today by going through the quiz...

Please have a look at this page to help us explain answers:

2. iPad 2 revealed

Queuing for an iPad in Shanghai

Here we go then. First off, it's thin and different than the iPad MAC1:

It's an improvement - faster, lighter, etc:

One key feature of the iPad2 is that it will be "location aware":

It has a gyroscope and GPS. Here's a tablet PC comparison:

And iPad vs iPad2:

PC Sales Will Falter Because of Tablet (Read: iPad) Popularity:

Why iPad rivals can't compete on price:

If Android, MeeGo, webOS, etc. want a sizable share of the tablet market, they need to make moves now or the iPad 2 is going to run them over. .

iPad competitor Motorola's "Xoom"

Will you consider a tablet pc as your next computer? Leave a comment.


3. SWF Quicker Introduction

Today we are going to look an SWF file creator called "SWF Quicker". Your two tasks for today are as follows:
1. Create a photo gallery swf file
2. Create a website banner

4. To the Cloud - Web 3.0


5. Blog Comments


5. Cyber Crime by Country


5. Facebook Facts & Stats



Anonymous said...

i dont want a tablet computer because it would be kind of hard to play counter strike or team fortress2 if you cuold play at all

Anonymous said...

Noooo I pads suckkkk, i am neverrr getting one (:

Anonymous said...

apple is disgusting

Anonymous said...

I would like to have a i pad 2 because i guess it would be a lot better then an laptop for its size and you can do a lot more things and do some of the same things that a laptop does.

Anonymous said...

i want the i pad 2 but not the tablet computer BC it seems too different from a actual computer.
the new i pad 2 looks really cool and i don't really see how it can be so different to the i pad 1.

Anonymous said...

ipad... not a huge fan, but I can see the attraction. I only just got into the ipod touch when my old 80gig classic died. And, honestly, I don't really use many of the app features.
As for tablet PCs, I want it. If only for working in digital art. It'd be amazing for drawing and photo editing in photoshop.

Anonymous said...

i am so super excited!!!! :))

i want one :))

Anonymous said...

Well the ipad 2looks very good but what is the point of buying it if the ipad 3 is coming out in november or something like that...

Anonymous said...

I have a BlackBerry PlayBook.. and it's pretty good but i would much rather use a laptop. the ipad 2 will be so over rated. And when lots of people have brought the ipad 2 6 months later the ipad 3 would be out.. its just stupid!

Anonymous said...

idon't need it, since i already have a laptop, and my family owns an ipad

Anonymous said...

Might as well just get an alienware laptop or a desktop computer, a high quality one preferably toshiba or alienware. Apple products are a waste of time and money on the developers part, will never be able to compete with microsoft, I don't see why anybody would buy a teblet computer, most useless idea of the 21st century... dt

Anonymous said...

people who but these things are only contributing to the corporate nazi that is apple. you fools. you big dumb fools. you big dumb not smart fools. you big dumb not smart unintelligent fools. you big dumb not smart unintelligent no-brained fools.

Anonymous said...

Ipad 2 looks pretty awesome, I'm considering getting it or the Iphone 5.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't like the ipad. It is too small to be a real computer. It's also a lot more uncomfortable than a regular laptop. It would a lot more unmcomfortable to lay on the couch and play on your ipad. However, the ipod is very useful for music.