Tuesday, 1 March 2011

S2W3 Wednesday: Browser Customisation, Web Breakdowns, Professor Teaches, Quiz


1. A Look at Browser Customisation 
with the Example of Firefox

An excellent tool to block ads while browsing (assuming you are using Firfox) is AdBlock Plus. I would like us to try it out today as it is instructive to how advertising works on the Internet. 
1. Download and install it as an add-on in Forefox. If you haven't installed firefox do so prior to doing this:
2. Once you have done this open up the 9msn site below:

3. Look for ads on the page and hover over them. A block option should appear in the corner of the ad. Click on it and it should open up a range of choices. Wait before you click on anything here. We will discuss this together.


3. Browser Usage Changes 

The browser landscape was changed indelibly when Google introduced its Chrome browser. It has been doing well and now commands fully 10% of the browser market. It is somewhat more compact and agile than IE and Firefox though it may not have all the flexiblity of its rivals.
Check out this article: 


4. Web Breakdown by Countries, Languages
& Alphabets 
From its inception the World Wide Web has been a distinctly American project which was very biased towards the English language and written and coded using our Latin, phonetic alphabet. However, things are changing as the vast population of people who speak other languages flood onto the web every day. 2009 saw the announcement by the internet regulator Icann (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) that other languages would now be afforded the same online status as English. The Mandarin and Cyrillic alphabets were be the first to be added. Have a look at the graphs and visuals below to give you an idea of the changes:
By Countries

By Language

Here are some article to have a look at. Read through them and leave a comment with your thoughts regarding the international nature of the web:


5. Professor Teaches HTML
We will do a brief quiz today on the professor Teaches HTML Advanced Style Sheets. Please work through the chapter. We will do the quiz once everyone is finished the chapter. Questions will be drawn solely from the content of Chapter on Style Sheets.


6. Who am I?

I dig tiny caves and store gold in them, I build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold they are the smallest you can imagine. Sooner or later everyone needs my help but some people are afraid to let me help them, who am I?



Anonymous said...

I would never have guessed that chinese was the second highest language on the internet

Anonymous said...

Considering just how different the two main languages on the web are, I'm surprised that there hasn't been much of an effort to start up translating scripts (or other sorts like that) to help with the language barriers.

Anonymous said...

not that suprising that Chinese is the 2 largest spoken language when u think about how many people there are in china, or even just Asia.

Anonymous said...

humph, as expected from one of the most populated countries on earth!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure one day Chinese will be the first highest language on the internet and it is not surprising to me.

Anonymous said...

Its crazy how Chinese is becoming one of the most popular languages on the internet. But, if you look at the university presence on the internet china is barely there.

Anonymous said...

you are a DENTIST