1. History of the Computer
Here is a great photo story about the history of the computer - want to swap your mobile for one of those room computers. If this is how far computer has come so far, what will make today's smartphones look really outdated.
What is the future? - Leave a comment.
What is the future? - Leave a comment.
2. Stay Smart Online
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3. Professor Teaches Advanced HTML
Its weird to think that were gonna think the computers we use now are huge and bulky in the future
in the next 50 or 100 years we will be saying, "woah back then there was now holograms!"
It's kind of scary, to be honest. We see computers from even 20 years ago as bulky, god knows what they'll be like in 50 years from now. Hell, who knows if we'll even still be using a separate machine as a computer?
I often think about it:"What will they think about us in the future"
They might say the same thing that we think about our parents: "OMG I don't want to live like them! It is so boring!"
waaaah, they were so huge in the past. But I don't think they can get much better than what we have today, although I'm ready to be proven wrong!
those big piles of metal were computers? no way. that's way to scary. it takes up a whole room for one computer. now we can put it on a desk in our hand or on our lap. that's just scary. wonder what it gonna be like in the future.:)
those big piles of metal were computers? no way. that's way to scary. it takes up a whole room for one computer. now we can put it on a desk in our hand or on our lap. that's just scary. wonder what it gonna be like in the future.:)
baware the aides of march, just kidding the future is gonna be hella good, cant wait till my laptop can be incorporated to my eye, i wanna multitask, walk and chat at the same time "would that make me a girl?"AC
Its crazy that computers back in the day were that gigantic! In the next 50 years we're going to have holographic computers and all that jazz. Crazy
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