1. Mobile Computing
Some of the latest news from the world of mobile computing
Sony's Xperia Play (PlayStation Phone) unveiled:
Samsung presents both a smart phone and tablet PC
Samsung Galaxy S 11 Andriod phone:
Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet computer
And finally, Microsoft has brokered a multi-billion dollar deal with Nokia to try and claw back some of the mobile market. Nokia will use a mobile version of Windows 7 on their phones. Both companies have missed the boat on mobile computing smart phones and hope to attack Apple with a combined effort:
This guy thinks it's a win for Apple:
Any thoughts? Will any combination of phone and software be able to rival Apple iPhone in the near future? Leave a comment.
2. Website Hosting Article
This is a great article describing the intricacies of website hosting, discussing the advantages and disadvantagesof various methods.
http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ __________________________
3. Professor Teaches HTML
Sony's Xperia Play looks a pretty cool phone.. i might consider trading my iphone for it.
Looks pretty cool, I am shocked to see that Apple are taking over Microsoft product and income wise. DT
everyday, my phone looks worse and worse, every time a new phone is unveiled
I think the new phone looks pretty cool, but it might not sell as much cause girls dont care about having games on their phone.. Definitley a good idea though
So many times have we heard the words "iPhone Killer." And yet, it has never been true. These "mobile computers" are cool,but they do not have the revolutionary shock value that the iPad, iPhone, and other apple devices have brought to the market. Unless someone comes out with something truly revolutionary, they will never kill the iPhone.
This also reminds me of when magazines and websites talk about "WoW killers." I've seen dozens of games labeled as that, but it still remains the most played online game that requires a subscription in the world. Something completely new to the game must be brought about to "kill" these giants.
This is lookin like a pretty cool phone but will coolness does not always mean that it is good.
ill never know till I see it for my self
The samsung Galaxy looks pretty cool and i would consider buying it instead of the Ipad.
i dont think anything is going to "kill"apple
I am definitely getting an experia sometime within the next few months, i would love to seat in the train and play god of war 3, i think its a pretty inventive thing..!!
i might actually may get the playstation phone if it can play dead space and has decent graphics
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