Thursday, 10 February 2011

S2W4 Friday: Robot Internet, Hacking Redux, Adobe PS

1. Review Quiz

Let's start by reviewing the quiz.

2. Robot Internet

Two famous sci-fi writers from the early 20th century who presciently envisioned robots in their fiction:

Isaac Asimov predicted the Internet:

Philip K. Dick saw a world of humanoid robots that carry out precision medical tasks:

So, would you prefer a robot or a human operated on you? Would you consider getting a humaniod robot to help you around the house? Leave a comment with your thoughts.


3. Hacking Redux

Apparently some of the world biggest oil companies, which are also some of the world biggest companies per se, have been hacked for years according to a new report.


4. Adobe Photoshop

Install Adobe Photoshop CS5 if you haven't already done so - it is located on the server under Secondary/Curriculum/Computing/Adobe Photoshop. Ask me over when you start the install if you need help.

I've provided two very useful documents for learning how to get to grips with this powerful digital image manipulation tool.

Follow the instructions in the first document to create a photo incorporating the painting and text.

MakeUseOf Photoshop Manual Part 1:

MakeUseOf Photoshop Manual Part 2:

These documents are also located on the server under Curriculum/Computing/Howto Guides 

There are two tasks for you today:

1. Use a photo located on the Secondary drive to create an edited photo which incorporates painting and text as described in the Photoshop guide.

2. Use a photo located on the Secondary drive to create an edited photo in which you have adjusted the hue and saturation of the picture noticably. Descriptions for how to achieve this in Photoshop are provided in the second Photoshop manual.



Anonymous said...

I would like to have a robot. This internet connection thing seems like it will make it easier for me to get a robot. Now robots can be trained quicker and cheaper. NW

Anonymous said...

I definitely thought that the Robot "wikipedia" was the most interesting article up today. It sounds like an endeavour that will take quite a long time, but will pay off when it is completed. Having a worldwide connection of networked robots that can share information will be incredible.


Anonymous said...

I would prefer a robot surgeon because there is less of a chance that the robot will make a mistake during surgery as opposed to a human. D.T

Anonymous said...

I would never let a robot operate on me simply because they have no brain and cannot think like we do. It would crazy!


Anonymous said...

I would take the robot, cause the things are getting cheaper and they can do a lot more stuff than we can. Plus they would have a instant connection to the web and other things. RC

Taylor said...

Honestly... I'm not sure if I'd prefer a human or a robot to operate on me. On one hand, a robot would be far more precise - though the idea is rather daunting. We already have a problem that's risen since our medical knowledge has improved, with more and more people living longer. If we had robots operating on us, that number would just increase and create far more issues. I think I'd rather stick to a human.
I also wouldn't want a "humanoid robot" to help with housework - people in the developed world tend to get so little exercise as it is, house work is one of the few ways many people still get a fraction of what they need.

Anonymous said...

I think i would rather have a human being operate on me, than a robot, although robots have been modified for precision and safety, it still sound scary to have a machine operate on you. Although, having a robot help me around the house sounds cool, he could do my chores for me! IAK

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of having a robot at home, it would make my life much easier which is sort of a bad thing considering i'll become a couch potato but i guess it would definitely come in handy when cleaning my room and doing my home work.

CMS said...

I dont know if i would trust a robot, because anything technological always has glitches, and it seemes less likely that a human would mess up. Also humans have emotions so there more likely to make decisions based on feelings and whats best for people whereas a robot would operate completly on facts. As for having a robot work in my house, sure. If it makes life easier, why not?

cjb! said...

I would rather a human because im scared of robots. I have seen the movie iRobot and do not and WILL NEVER trust a robot. Plus humans have feelings and compassion so they can try their hardest to let you live. A robot would just aim for one thing and it might ruin something else in the process! Lastly, what if the robot malfunctions during the surgery and "accidentally" slits my throat with the scalpels?? ever thought about that?!

Anonymous said...

I would prefer a human surgeon because a robot could malfunction and screw up some how, but then again so could a human. Having a robot around the house could be pretty useful especially if it could do things like laungdry, cook, do homework and all that good stuff. If it's like C3PO from Star Wars who doesn't do anything. I'd rather have a rock. BV

Anonymous said...

I would with out a doubt rather having a human surgeon opperate one me because i would feel safer and the robot may have a malfunction and it could risk my life.

I would love to have a robot around the house because it could clean up after me and bring me food and things i have asked for.

Anonymous said...

i would like to have a robot and im sure my mom would so it can do her house work. but i would also think it would b scary to have it because it probably would have only one face.


Anonymous said...

I would like to have a robot in the house, but not so sure about it operating on me. I think it might be more likely to make a mistake, rather than a human.TW

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind having a robot clean my house, but it would be awesome if it told you funny jokes while it cleaned.


Anonymous said...

I think it would be good to have a robot operate on me because i dont really think they would make a mistake.

And i think it would be awesome to have robots around the house because they could do everything we dont want.
